June 17, 2024

The Girne Municipality Health Department teams are continuing their targeted efforts against the, officially confirmed, presence of the Asian Tiger Mosquito on the island. The Girne Municipality Health Department released a statement regarding the matter. The statement emphasized the central role of the public in the ongoing spraying program, in addition to the scheduled treatments by the Municipality.

In the statement about the spraying activities carried out by the Girne Municipality Health Department Spraying Unit teams, it was noted that all insecticides used against the Asian Tiger Mosquito, which can carry diseases such as Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya and West Nile Virus, are used in an environmentally friendly method.

A significant responsibility for the public

The Girne Municipality Health Department teams point out that the Asian Tiger Mosquito can breed in various small containers such as old car tyres, saucers under pots, small buckets, puddles in gutters, decorative pools, and flowerpots in cemeteries. The teams indicate that there could be hundreds of thousands of such sources within the city, making it almost impossible to individually identify and treat each one. Therefore, they stress the important role of city residents in providing a solution in the integrated fight.

What should you do?

  • Empty containers in your garden that collect water, such as those with accumulated water in saucers, under pots, buckets, and unused car tyres.
  • Renew water placed in containers for street animals within 3 days.
  • Change the water in decorative pools frequently or use fish that feed on larvae.
  • Empty unused swimming pools.
  • Replace broken manhole covers.
  • Close open storage areas.
  • Renew deteriorating storage containers.”

Source (Turkish): Girne Municipality


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