June 17, 2024


On Saturday May 12th the wedding took place between Betsy Hanby and Callum Wells at the beautiful Kybele restaurant at Bellapais when the skies ‘threatened with a hint of thunder’ but sunshine won the day!

Betsy and Callum, both 27 years old,from Eltham, London met at university in October 2009 and became a couple, very soon after meeting. They first came to Northern Cyprus in August 2011 and it was an immediate ‘falling in love’ with the place.

They have visited a further four times since that date and in 2015, although not even engaged at that time, decided that they would get married here.

Both Betsy and Callum commented on their wedding day, organised by wedding planner Carol Blackwell-Gibbs, when asked:

How did you feel about your wedding day

‘It was perfect, everything went so well, we couldn’t have asked for a better day!’

They gave huge thanks to the Kybele restaurant for the delicious food, Keith Lloyd for the Blessing and Tying of the Knot ceremony, Susie Forster (Photographer), DJ Lee Hitchens,

Mine Pastenesie for the cup cakes and Kamelya for the beautiful flowers.

For further information contact: Carol email: info@northcyprusweddings.net

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