June 16, 2024



The Civil Aviation Department of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, in cooperation with the Meydan Fire Brigade Branch Chief and the Nicosia Fire Brigade Directorate, carried out a three-stage scenario-based fire extinguishing and rescue drill at Ercan Airport. Minister of Public Works and Transport Arıklı stated that they had the opportunity to see how successful our firefighters were thanks to the exercise.

According to the scenario of the exercise, in the first stage, a traffic accident involving two vehicles occurred at the tunnel exit of Ercan Airport. In the accident that occurred on the south side of the 29 runways, one of the vehicles caught fire and one person was trapped inside the other.


After the notification, the teams of the Meydan Fire Brigade Branch responded to the flaming vehicle in a short time and extinguished the fire. On the other hand, a person who was trapped in the second vehicle involved in the same accident was removed from the vehicle with the hydraulic cutting and separation machines of the fire brigade and taken to Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital by the ambulance that came to the scene.

In the second phase of the scenario, the fire, which occurred due to a traffic accident at the exit of the tunnel, spread to the airport and reached near runway 29. The teams of the Ercan Fire Brigade Branch also intervened and extinguished the fire, which was reaching the runway in a very short time.


During the third phase of the exercise, a fire broke out in the Smart Building of the Civil Aviation Department due to a short circuit in the electrical system. The flames rising inside and outside the building were first intervened by the teams of the Ercan Fire Brigade Department, then the teams of the Nicosia Fire Brigade Directorate and extinguished the fire.

Although the vast majority of the staff working in the Smart Building left the building immediately after the fire started and gathered at the predetermined location, five employees were trapped inside. The teams of the Meydan Fire Brigade Branch Chief entered the smoke-filled building with oxygen cylinders and masks and rescued three employees. Due to the serious condition of one of the rescued, he was taken to Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital by ambulance that arrived at the scene. Two other employees trapped inside the building were rescued by the teams of the Nicosia Fire Brigade. Due to the serious condition of one of the rescued, he was transferred to Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital by ambulance.


Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı thanked the Civil Aviation Department, the Nicosia Fire Brigade Directorate and British Colan Hospital, which sent an ambulance, for the successful organization and said, “Thanks to the exercise carried out in cooperation with the Nicosia Fire Brigade Directorate, we had the opportunity to see how successful our firefighters are against the negativities that may occur in and around our growing airport.”

Minister Arıklı said that the Meydan Fire Brigade Branch has moved to its new building located right next to the new terminal of Ercan Airport, and that he believes that they will work in much better conditions, with modern equipment and in a much more motivated way. Arıklı said, “Our Meydan Fire Brigade Branch Chief has once again shown that it can protect Ercan Airport against all kinds of fire hazards.”

Arıklı congratulated the Civil Aviation Department, the Nicosia Fire Brigade Directorate, the Meydan Fire Brigade Branch Chief and all employees for the success of the exercise and wished them continued success.

Minister Arıklı, who watched the exercise from the apron of the old terminal of Ercan Airport, was accompanied by Mayor of Değirmenlik-Akıncılar Ali Karavezirler, Undersecretary of the Minister of Public Works and Transport Enver Öztürk, Director of the Civil Aviation Department Mustafa Sofi and senior police and fire brigade personnel.

Source (Turkish): TRNC Ministry of Public Works and Transportation

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