April 25, 2024

By Engin Dervişağa…..

It would seem some of my shows are in great demand with many requests for them to be shown again and this week we are transmitting again my Vox Pop show on BRT2 television when I went along to the Dogankoy coffee shop to Kathy Martin and Engin Dervisagameet Kathy Martin.

For those readers who have not heard of Kathy Martin, following the death of her husband Alister in November 2015 she met with Chris Elliott and Margaret Sheard of cyprusscene.com who wanted to help her overcome her sad loss.

In discussion it became apparent that Kathy was very proud of her late husband’s many blog postings on Kibkom Times and also felt she wanted to share her experiences of dealing with the traumatic loss of a loved one in the hope it may help other people.

With help and guidance from Chris and Margaret, Kathy has now become a blogger with her own web blog click here as well as sharing her experiences on cyprusscene.com and a number of other websites and social media pages.

To learn more of Kathy’s new writing pastime do watch my Vox Pop show on BRT2 Television on   Sunday 18th December at 15.30 noon and it will be repeated on Tuesday  20th December at 18.30pm.

To go direct to BRT 2 TV to watch these shows by live streaming on your PC at Cyprus local time click here   and if you want to learn more of Bayrak Radio and Television  click here

If you wish you can also watch a number of my past Vox Pop shows which can be selected for viewing by clicking here

For Radio Lovers do also tune in and join me on BRT Radio on Saturday  at 19.00pm for my programme Top Twenty which is compiled by DJ Bora and this show is repeated on Sunday at 15.00pm. We are transmitting this on 6.150 MH/z. Short-wave, 87.8 and 105 FM Stereo or tune click here

For those local readers who have interesting hobbies or interests who think it could make an interesting subject for a TV show, do please send me a message.

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