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By Chris Elliott  & Margaret Sheard…….

It’s that time of the year when  we start to reflect on all that we have done, all the people we have met or been involved with and what we feel we have achieved.

Firstly we must thank all of our readers and organisations for sending us their news for publishing which has given great variety which we hope other readers will have found both interesting and informative.

We would also like to thank our good friends Ahmet Abdulaziz, Can Gazi, Engin Dervisaga, Heidi Trautmann, Ismail Veli,  John Aziz Kent,  Richard Beale and our new young star, Peri Sualp for sharing their news and reports of their hobbies, interests or activities.

We have both had very valuable experiences of contributing to local newspapers and with this in mind we considered how best we could promote as widely as possible the news and reviews published by our website that publishes on a daily basis which is:

Naturally it is so important to find effective ways to promote news and reviews from those in the community about those in the community and after a few experiments we were delighted to start designing and publishing a FREE online  Enewspaper which can be read around the world and readers if they wish can download it freely and share it with their friends.

Sadly our past experiences of contributing to local newspapers showed us that for each issue, it had a very short shelf life of a few days before it is replaced by another issue and that the work of so many was then lost forever.

With this in mind we have introduced an Enewspaper page on our website where all current and future Enewspapers can be accessed, read and shared and at no cost to the reader. Click here to view

Again we considered how best we could promote this facility to the world and decided to arrange a weekly Newsletter that would be sent to a growing subscriber list of readers who would then receive a compilation of the website’s weekly news and reviews. If you would like to subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter please enter your name and email address in the registration form on our website home page. 

Subscription to our Enewsletter is FREE and all we ask of our readers is that they  share the news you gave us to publish with your friends and then we have lots of community sharing which is  so important in the TRNC which has very little recognition and yet has so many different communities living together and also those many good folk who work tirelessly to help the TRNC to gain recognition.

To our readers we send our best wishes for  the New Year and hope it will be Peaceful and Prosperous during 2018 for everyone.

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