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Good bye from the TRNC and best wishes Stephen Day

Introduction by Chris Elliott….

On Sunday evening the 29th May 2022, I went to the Happy Garden restaurant in Ozankoy to wish Stephen Day a long term friend best wishes for his departure to the UK.

I have always admired Stephen in many ways but more so for his articles, he wrote in the Cyprus Today newspaper when I was writing in the Cyprus Star, Cyprus Observer, and our own CyprusScene newspaper and I said to Stephen if I take photos for you of your leaving bash, will you write a going away letter for our readers and he has and I hope from time to time he will write a few more readers mails so we can help him keep in touch in touch with his old friends and followers.

Dear Chris

Returning to the UK to be with my ex-wife, Frances does not mean totally abandoning TRNC. My links with the place are deep rooted and long lasting. I remain loyal to the Turkish Cypriot cause. It was no accident my party was held at the Happy Garden, Ozankoy.

When I first came on holiday here 31 years ago with Frances, we rented a house in the village and the first bar we went into was the Happy Garden.

The place was then run by Erbey Kasifoglu’s (Elvis) father whilst Erbey was then in his early twenties. It, therefore, seemed appropriate to have my so called “leaving” party there.

I was particularly honoured by my many friends who turned up to wish me well and by the presence of President Tatar, a long time friendship going way back before he became President.

My life in the UK will be a big change for me and I am sure I will miss the almost 17 years I have lived here, but like the proverbial “bad penny”, expect me (God willing) to keep turning up!

Best wishes


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