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Freemasons Bellapais Lodge (9847) – Donation to Tulips

Wonderful news of a donation to Help Those with Cancer Association (Tulips) by the Freemasons Bellapais Lodge.    A big thank you from Carole King and Sue Tilt.

On Saturday night 18th March we were invited to the Freemasons event at the Colony Hotel in Girne.  A presentation of 3,030 Euros was made to Raziye Kocaismail, President and Founder of the Association by The Worshipful Master Alan Flaskett. 

This was money that had been raised by the Freemasons during the past year and that had been generously donated to Tulips/Help Those with Cancer Association.

What a wonderful surprise to receive this fantastic amount of money and Raziye in her thank you speech confirmed that this money would pay for 24 Cancer patients treatment.

On behalf of all cancer patients in the TRNC we cannot thank you enough.

Carole and Sue


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