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Thank you to the Pink Ladies and all those that help Tulips and those with Cancer.

By Chris Elliott……..

This week I went with trepidation and sadness to the Lefkosa State Hospital Oncology department to record a promotional event and why was I so sad?

Some 8 years ago my late wife lost her fight for life in the Oncology Unit of the Lefkosa State Hospital following a six month illness during which time of visiting hospitals because of my involvement with the 112 volunteers, I became very aware of the problems facing expats in a foreign land when their partner becomes ill and little did I expect that when I was left alone my desire would be to help others.

I was somewhat relieved to meet a group of lovely smiling ladies dressed in football strip as they entered the new oncology building so I was spared the return to the original building where my late wife died of cancer.

So what was my visit to the hospital all about?

Back in October 2016 the Pink Ladies Football Teams, captained by sisters Kelly-jo Karlaman and Deniz Hasret, raised a fantastic sum of 15,897.60TL from their sponsored football event.

Both teams decided that they really would like some of the money raised to go towards buying something for the new Oncology Unit at Lefkosa State Hospital that would benefit the patients.

Treatment for cancer patients can be a very long drawn out affair, so it was decided that 8 TV’s would be purchased and installed in the Chemotherapy room and other resting rooms, to help entertain the patients, whilst they are undergoing treatment.

So on 21st March 2017, eight TVs were finally unveiled to much appreciation by Mr Bulent Dizdarli (General Manager of the hospital) and Dr Ozlem who were both in attendance.

Also present were Raziye Kocaismail and Engin Savim both from Tulips/HTWCA and a few of the ladies football team players; Kelly-Jo Karlaman, Deniz Hasret, Susie Forster, Sue Baker, Julie Taylor and Kimbo Sinclair.

As I left the new Oncology Building I turned to take a photo of it and walking towards me was Raziye Kocaismail who was dwarfed by its size as she and her helpers are by the scourge of cancer but the fight and fund raising goes on to help those in need.

Raziye said to me that since we first met and I published articles about Tulips a few years ago in newspapers, the number of new patients visiting her office everyday seeking help has increased from 2 to 3 people and with no support from the government, it is increasingly difficult to raise funds.

Cancer is a very real threat to life of those people living in Cyprus and I can only say thank you to all of those people who without thought for themselves arrange fundraising events or support them or just simply be a friend and helper to those who are in real need of help and support during very difficult times.

God bless you all wherever you may be…….


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