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Northern Cyprus – Recycling or ignoring waste

Northern Cyprus – Recycling or

ignoring waste


By Chris Elliott…….

We see people reacting to postings about North Cyprus and rubbish with quotes about so called tourists who say they will never come again due to the rubbish on the beaches and elsewhere.

OK let’s just look for a moment at the question of rubbish on beaches. Should we assume that it was placed there by the locals or not? No doubt some people do spend their time on the beach and walk away leaving their rubbish behind like they do in the UK at drive-in restaurants where it’s often left strewn across the car parks.

So what happens to our beach rubbish? Does it stay there forever, is it collected by caring people or even washed away by the sea to perhaps a beach somewhere else and perhaps even on a beach of another country.

Let’s just think for a moment about beaches as we react to what we first see and that is rubbish on beaches which is discarded by people from boats, of course rubbish left on that beach and other beaches or even windblown from other areas.

So what can be done. It’s almost an impossible task and it is no use blaming others as we can all make a start and a difference by recycling rubbish, keeping our gardens and business outside areas clear of discarded material even if it is windblown. Look out for and report those who tip illegal rubbish where they wish to the local municipalities with photographic evidence.

The latter is perhaps a hard line approach but consider the video below that was released on Facebook by Greenpeace UK and shows what we are allowing to get into the Mediterranean Sea to end up where?

Maybe on your beach or your backyard!

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