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CESV – Civil Emergency Service Volunteers to be re-equipped

CESV – Civil Emergency Service Volunteers to be re-equipped

By Chris Elliott

How many of our readers remember Terry Carter, the founder of the 112 volunteers now known as the CESV (Civil Emergency Service Volunteers) who operate alongside Civil Defence and are so active in providing first aid training to the TRNC Emergency Services, Police, schools and private businesses etc.

So what of Terry, well after a number of very busy years here in North Cyprus  running the 112/CESV organisation he retired back to the UK during 2012 for what one would assume to be a quiet  life.

Not so, Terry joined the AOFA (Association of First Aiders) as a Director and advisor and is currently overseeing the updating of their First Aid book and training  syllabus.

The latest news from Terry is that he has retained his links with CESV and has helped them purchase  100 first aid books and three specialist Choking Vests (with funds raised in the KKTC  by CESV). These vests slip over the upper body of a demonstrator allowing students on first aid classes to administer “back blows” realistically without causing any damage to the demonstrator .

He  has negotiated with the management at the  headquarters of Dolphin Movers in the UK to transport this equipment  to the KKTC free of charge and their manager Onder Bay from Karakum (opposite the KPet station) will oversee the delivery to the CESV Volunteers.

Dolphin Movers have agreed to move any other medical/rescue equipment free of charge too as they recognize the value of first class training and the backup that CESV provides to the KKTC emergency services.

We will see Terry return to North Cyprus in October to run a refresher and re-accreditation course for the CESV instructors to ensure they are fully equipped with the latest approved techniques and information.

For those who know nothing of this vital voluntary organisation, we will tell you more of their foundation and development and their need for more volunteers soon.

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